Collaborative Passwords Manager



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Teampass is here to tip the scales in your favor when it comes to managing passwords in a collaborative environment. If you're keen on keeping things tight-knit and secure, this open-source gem might just be your new best buddy. Teampass, the Collaborative Passwords Manager, is all about giving teams the superpower to manage passwords like pros—all within a self-hosted setup. Imagine it as a trustworthy gatekeeper that’s installed right on your own server. No third-party clouds or snoopy prying eyes. Just pure, unadulterated security. Unboxing Teampass, you'll find it plays nice with MySQL 5.7 or higher, Mariadb 10.7 or higher, and it insists on having PHP 8.1 or newer running the show. Yeah, it’s a bit of a techie, but that means it's built to last with robust requirements. Plus, it's got its toolkit ready with PHP extensions like mcrypt, openssl, and even gmp for those who need a little extra punch. The Docker-savvy folks will appreciate that Teampass offers flexible installation methods. You can kick things off with a Docker image—crafted by none other than @valterseu—for a slick, dependency-free setup. Not into freestyling? There’s a Docker Compose file that's all set up for you, complete with a reverse proxy for SSL. Keep an eye on those path specifics though; you'll need `/var/www/html/sk` as your "Absolute path to saltkey" during the setup. Now, if languages are your thing, Teampass has you covered. With translation strings in over 20 languages—from Catalan to Vietnamese—it's ready for global teamwork. It’s not just locked into English, making it a truly universal tool. Documentation is spot on and readily available. Any installation queries, plugin integrations or even troubleshooting can be handled via the comprehensive guides or helpful YouTube videos, ready to walk you through the nitty-gritty. But what’s most impressive? The developers are constantly refining it. The master branch on GitHub is alive and kicking with new features, while the PHP 7.4 branch keeps the veterans happy with bug fixes. Plus, catching bugs has never been easier since they’ve got a neat setup over on GitHub Issues for you to report anything funky. Teampass is more than just a password manager—it's a fortress of collaborative security that grows with your team’s needs. It's flexible, it's secure, and it's packed with features designed to safeguard your organization from cyber threats. So, if you're ready to amp up your data protection game, Teampass is definitely worth checking out.

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