Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce.



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The Open Food Network is changing the game for local food markets, bringing together suppliers, distributors, and consumers like never before. Imagine popping down to your local farmer's market, but doing it all from the comfort of your couch. This ain't your typical supermarket experience—this is fresher, local, and way more community-driven. Right off the bat, the Open Food Network is all about giving power back to the people. It's like the Robin Hood of the food world, making sure your purchases support local farmers and food hubs rather than lining the pockets of big corporate agri-businesses. We're talking co-ops, indie food businesses, and online farmers markets all rolled into one super easy-to-navigate platform. It's open-source, not-for-profit, and it's got a global vibe to boot. If you’ve ever wanted to get your hands dirty in the tech for good space, this is your golden ticket. The Open Food Network is proudly supported by the Open Food Foundation and a network of global affiliates. Whether you're a coder, tester, or just someone passionate about sustainable consumption, there's a spot for you. Jump into the Slack conversations in the #general channel and hop on over to #dev for tech-related banter. You’ll get the lowdown on everything from setting up your development environment to making your first contributions. And if you’re all about full immersion, check out their well-organized User Guide and the community discussion forum. Now, Hacktoberfest participants, this one's for you! They've set up a Welcome New Developers project board that’s just teeming with issues perfect for anyone new to the scene. Think of it as your personal treasure map, guiding you to the best starter tasks categorized by your skills and their complexity. Server provisioning? Oh, they've got you covered there too. Dive into their ofn-install Ansible playbooks and Super Admin Guide to get those servers up and running. Quality assurance more your speed? Say hi on the #testing channel on Slack. The Welcome New QAs board is a must-see, featuring issues ranging from manual to automated testing. They’re even using BrowserStack and KnapsackPro, ensuring tests are run smoothly and efficiently, and both tools are offered free to this non-commercial project. And let's not forget the legal stuff—Open Food Network runs under the AGPL license, so it’s as open-source as they come. So, if you're ready to be part of something that’s not just cool but also incredibly meaningful, the Open Food Network is your go-to project. Head on over to their GitHub page and get started—you won’t regret it!

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