a simple, customisable theme for your apache directory listing



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For all the homelab enthusiasts and tinkerers out there, stepping up your web directory game has never been easier thanks to Apaxy. Imagine browsing your Apache directory listings with a sleek, customizable theme instead of the default, dull interface. Apaxy is here to make that a reality. So, what's the big deal? Well, Apaxy leverages the power of the `mod_autoindex` Apache module and sprinkles in a good amount of CSS to transform your web directory pages. It's like giving your Apache setup a stylish new outfit, and who doesn't like playing dress-up once in a while? Here's the scoop on Apaxy's main features: - Style your directory listings with CSS. - Bring in the bling with JavaScript. - Add welcoming messages, handy download instructions, or even copyright notices. - Customize icons for different media types (with some .htaccess tweaking). - Implement custom error pages to keep things polished. But, full disclosure, the magic stops at visual modifications; you won't be altering the actual structure of the generated directory listing table. Getting started is a breeze, especially if you prefer things to be automated. Apaxy includes a `apaxy-configure.sh` script that takes the hassle out of installation. Just crack open `apaxy.config` in your favorite text editor, tweak the paths to match your server setup, and run the script. Like a good ol' fashioned pit stop, but for your server. More of a hands-on, DIY kinda person? No problem. The manual installation steps are straightforward, and before long, you'll have things up and running. Download, unzip, copy, paste, and tweak—Apaxy makes it as easy as pie. And don't forget to rename that `htaccess.txt` to `.htaccess` when you're done! Wanna try before you buy (well, it's open-source, so no buying required)? Fire up a local demo with Docker. Just run `docker-compose up` and get a taste of what Apaxy can do. Customization doesn't stop at the basics. Dive into the `/theme` folder to edit `header.html`, `footer.html`, and `style.css`, or add your own icons by editing the `.htaccess` file. A little elbow grease, and your directory listings will be looking as unique as you want them to be. Got a gallery of images to showcase? Apaxy’s got you covered with a swanky gallery feature based on lightgallery.js. Check out the installation section for details on turning this feature on. Running into issues? No sweat. Just make sure your Apache configuration allows for the `AllowOverride Indexes` option. A peek into the Apache documentation might help, or check out the troubleshooting section for more pointers. Apaxy's journey began inspired by the h5ai project by Lars Jung, and it incorporates the stylish Faenza icons. This project is all about community collaboration and creativity, distributed under the GNU General Public License. Ready to make your directories pop? Head over to the Apaxy GitHub page and give your web server the facelift it deserves. Happy customizing!

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