µTask is an automation engine that models and executes business processes declared in yaml. ✏️📋



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Having a hard time keeping your business processes running smoothly? µTask is your new best friend. Designed with the cloud in mind, this lightweight automation engine is a game-changer for anyone looking to streamline operations. Let’s break down what makes µTask so special and how it can make your life easier. Life can be complicated, but µTask keeps things simple. The only thing you need is a Postgres DB. Say goodbye to complicated setups and hello to smooth sailing. More than just a pretty face, µTask encrypts all your data and ensures only authorized users can peek under the hood. And if you like to tinker, you’ll be thrilled to know µTask is super extensible; just roll up those sleeves and develop your own actions in Golang. Ever tried to describe something complicated and ended up with a mess? µTask lets you model your business processes in an easy-to-read YAML format. You lay out the inputs and actions, and µTask takes over from there. It handles execution asynchronously, works around errors, and keeps a nifty encrypted trace of everything that happens. If you ever need a replay, it’s all there. So what can you do with µTask? Here are some real-world examples: 1. **Kubernetes Ingress TLS Certificate Provisioning**: - Generate a private key - Request a certificate - Meet the issuer’s challenges - Commit the resulting certificate 2. **New Team Member Onboarding**: - Ask for an SSH key pair - Register the key centrally - Create accounts on internal services - Spawn a development VM - Send a Welcome Email full of GIFs (the fun part!) 3. **Payments API Asynchronous Processing**: - Perform an antifraud check - Call risk assessing API - Depending on the score, either pass, fail, or require human interaction - Notify the API with the results Getting started with µTask is a breeze. Download the latest install script, spin up your environment with Docker, and you’re ready to go. With basic auth pre-configured for testing, you’ll be up-and-running in no time. Head to the dashboard and explore the API to get a feel for what µTask can do. Running it in production means you’ll version your own task templates and plugins in a git repo. Plus, you’ll build a docker image that includes your extensions. Multiple instances of µTask will coordinate around the same Postgres DB to avoid task collision, ensuring smooth, uninterrupted operations. Need to tweak some configuration? µTask offers flexible command line arguments and environment variables to fine-tune your setup. Whether it’s defining paths for templates or setting the HTTP port, everything is designed to be as granular as you need. For those who crave power and flexibility, µTask is also extendable with plugins. You can even extend the basic authentication mechanism or create action plugins to perform custom tasks during execution. In short, µTask is everything you’ve been looking for to automate and secure your business processes. With real-world use cases and a straightforward setup, this is one open-source tool that’s ready to make your work life a whole lot easier. Give µTask a spin and see for yourself!

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