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Looking for a no-nonsense, down-to-earth tool that gets straight to the point and just works? Meet the Minimalist Web Notepad. This open-source genius is essentially a cloud-based note-taking app, designed as an homage to the now-defunct It’s got that same smooth, no-frills experience you loved without any of the bloat. Accessible via any web browser, Minimalist Web Notepad is like having your own piece of paper floating around in the cloud, ready to catch your scattered thoughts anytime, anywhere. You can check out a demo at or dive in right at if you feel adventurous. Setting it up is a breeze, even for those who aren't hardcore techies. If you're running Apache, you might need to do a little tweaking by enabling mod_rewrite and allowing .htaccess files in your site configuration. Nginx users, don't fret. A couple of tattooed lines in your configuration file will have you up and running: For root directory setups: ``` location / { rewrite ^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ /index.php?note=$1; } ``` And for those stashed away in subdirectories: ``` location ~* ^/notes/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ { try_files $uri /notes/index.php?note=$1; } ``` Need to pass some parameters? Just tag on &$args, and you’re golden. What really sets this app apart is its command-line interface. Anyone cozy with `curl` will feel right at home. Wanna grab your note and save it locally? Simple as: ``` curl > test.txt ``` Feel like adding something to that note? Just: ``` curl -d 'hello, welcome to my pad! ' ``` And for the file hoarders who need to stash their local files in the cloud, there's this nifty trick: ``` cat /etc/hosts | curl --data-binary @- ``` Laid-back and permissive, Minimalist Web Notepad is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. That means it’s free to use as you like, with no strings attached, except those in the license. So go ahead, check out the full details on GitHub if you're the kind who reads the T&C's. Perfect for those seeking a simple yet effective way to keep their notes, this PHP-based project is a testament to uncluttered design and practicality. If you haven't already given it a whirl, what's stopping you? Jump in and take your note-taking game to the next level with Minimalist Web Notepad.

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