Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.



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Pico is your go-to flat-file CMS for anyone who’s after simplicity without sacrificing speed. Imagine setting up and running a superfast website without having to manage a complex database. That’s what Pico is all about. It’s so straightforward, even your grandma could get a kick out of setting up her own blog or personal site. For starters, Pico’s biggest draw is its no-fuss, no-database approach. It’s perfect for those who don’t want the headache of dealing with SQL databases. Everything you need is right in your file system. That means installing and upgrading Pico is a breeze, no PhD in computer science required! The charm doesn’t stop at simplicity, though. Pico boasts blazing fast performance. Whether your site is getting a trickle of visitors or a flood, Pico can handle it without breaking a sweat. And it’s built using PHP, so a lot of folks with hosting already have what they need to get Pico running in seconds. Setting up Pico is almost too easy. If you’re down to use Composer, just pop open your shell, hit up your server’s ‘httpdocs’ directory, and run a few quick commands. Before you know it, you’re done. No second steps or intricate hoops to jump through. You can pull this stunt in less time than it takes to brew a coffee. Prefer a pre-bundled release instead? No problem. Simply download the latest Pico release, upload it to your server's directory, and you’re golden. There are no surprise catches or complicated configurations waiting around the corner—just upload, navigate in your browser, and you’re live. For those a bit more into the techie side of things, Pico also integrates seamlessly with Git. This means set up for version control, content creation, and deployment isn’t just possible but refreshingly smooth. Plus, if you want to manage your site collaboratively, or just like the idea of version tracking, Pico has you covered with a simple Composer-based installation. Sure, some users have bumped into issues when running newer versions of PHP, but Pico’s got an “alpha” version to sort that out while they work on rolling out a more permanent fix. And this alpha build? It's perfectly safe for production use—Pico’s just waiting for the final nod to merge those dependency updates. If you’re a developer, Pico makes it versatile and straightforward for you to get in, tinker around, and create plugins or themes. You got some sweet features or fix ideas? Fork Pico’s core, put together a nifty pull request, and you might see your work going live to users around the globe. In the end, Pico’s all about making web content management as hassle-free as possible. Whether you’re sidestepping the quirks of database setups or seeking lightning-speed page loads, Pico’s here to save the day. So, why wait? Give it a spin, and see just how easy web development can really be.

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