Pirsch is a drop-in, server-side, no-cookie, and privacy-focused analytics solution for Go.



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Hey there, folks! Let's talk about a nifty little project that's been making waves in the world of web analytics. It's called Pirsch, and boy, is it something special! Pirsch is a real game-changer when it comes to tracking website traffic. It's not your run-of-the-mill analytics tool - this bad boy is a drop-in, server-side solution that doesn't mess around with cookies. And get this: it's all about keeping your visitors' privacy on lock. Pretty sweet, huh? Now, let's dive into what makes Pirsch tick. This open-source gem is the brainchild of some smart cookies who wanted to create a privacy-friendly way to analyze web traffic. It all started as a little experiment, but it's grown into something pretty darn impressive. One of the coolest things about Pirsch is that it's made right here in the EU and hosted on German servers. They're not messing around when it comes to data protection. And if you're curious about what it can do, they've even got an interactive demo you can check out. So, how does this thing work? Well, Pirsch is pretty clever. It creates a unique fingerprint for each visitor using a hash of their IP address, User-Agent, the date, and a little sprinkle of salt. But here's the kicker - it does all this without invading anyone's privacy. No cookies, no personal info stored, nada. It's so privacy-focused that it's compliant with all those fancy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and PECR. Oh, and here's a neat trick - if you use Pirsch on the server-side, it can even track visitors who are using ad blockers. Talk about covering all your bases! Now, if you're a developer looking to get your hands dirty with Pirsch, you're in luck. They've got some solid documentation to get you started, and there's even a code reference on go.dev for all you Go enthusiasts out there. Speaking of Go, that's another cool thing about Pirsch - it's built for Go developers. So if you're into Go and you're looking for a slick analytics solution, this might just be your new best friend. The folks behind Pirsch are also pretty open to contributions. If you've got some ideas or improvements, they're all ears. Just remember, if you're submitting a pull request, you'll need to transfer ownership of your contribution to them. It's all about keeping the core of their commercial solution under control. So there you have it, folks - Pirsch in a nutshell. It's privacy-focused, it's powerful, and it's pretty darn cool. If you're looking for a fresh take on web analytics that won't leave your visitors feeling like their privacy's been invaded, Pirsch might just be the ticket. Give it a whirl and see what you think!

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