Simple, open source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.



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Y'all ready for this? Let's dive into Plausible Analytics, the web analytics tool that's giving Google Analytics a run for its money! Plausible Analytics is the brainchild of some savvy folks who decided it was high time for a web analytics solution that doesn't play fast and loose with user privacy. This open-source gem is lightweight as a feather, coming in at less than 1 KB, and it's as privacy-friendly as your most tight-lipped friend. Now, let's break it down. Plausible Analytics is all about giving website owners the 411 on their traffic without compromising user data. It's GDPR, CCPA, and PECR compliant, which is a fancy way of saying it keeps everything above board when it comes to privacy laws. Unlike some other analytics tools we could mention (cough, Google Analytics, cough), Plausible doesn't use cookies or track personal data. It's all about measuring traffic, not individuals. The folks behind Plausible are dead set on reducing corporate surveillance. They're not in cahoots with the AdTech world, and they're prouder than a peacock about it. They've built this tool from the ground up to be simple, effective, and ethical. Now, you might be wondering, "What's the catch?" Well, unlike Google Analytics, Plausible isn't free. But before you start clutching your pearls, hear me out. The team believes in the subscription model rather than selling your data to the highest bidder. It's a fair trade-off if you ask me. Some standout features include a clutter-free interface (no need for a Ph.D. to understand your stats), lightweight script that won't slow down your site, and the ability to invite team members and share stats. Plus, you can track conversions, get email reports, and even integrate with Google Search Console for keyword data. For the tech nerds out there, Plausible is built with Elixir and Phoenix, uses PostgreSQL and ClickHouse for data storage, and spices up the frontend with TailwindCSS and React. Now, if you're feeling adventurous, you can self-host Plausible with their Community Edition. But fair warning, you'll be on your own when it comes to infrastructure management and support. Bottom line? Plausible Analytics is shaking up the web analytics game, offering a privacy-first, user-friendly alternative to the big guys. It's like the cool, responsible cousin of Google Analytics – all the fun, none of the privacy headaches. So if you're looking to get the lowdown on your website traffic without selling your soul (or your users' data), Plausible might just be your new best friend.

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