An extendable Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 6.0+



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Refinery CMS is turning heads in the open-source world, and why wouldn't it? Imagine having an extendable Ruby on Rails content management system that’s a breeze to use and even easier to customize—yep, that’s Refinery CMS for ya. Aimed at Rails 6.0 and beyond, it's the CMS that sticks to "the Rails way," ensuring developers don’t need to learn new tricks while still delivering a polished experience for end users. Diving into the core features, Refinery CMS is all about putting power into the hands of folks who might not know their way around HTML or CSS. Clients can update their sites without getting bogged down by complicated menus or options. There's a strong visual editor for managing pages and site structure, making it straightforward to edit and shuffle things around. And talk about images and files! Uploads are a cinch. Thanks to Dragonfly, which handles images like a champ, and there's even support for Amazon S3 storage. Need to manage PDFs or other resources? No sweat, Refinery has you covered. Developers will geek out over the easy customization features. You can extend the CMS with custom extensions by leveraging the simple generator commands. Whether it's a blog, portfolio, or something more niche like a news section, there are plenty of popular extensions that make adding functionality to your site a walk in the park. Now, security’s a big deal, and Refinery doesn’t skimp. Sure, you’ll need Bundler and ImageMagick (with some post-install tweaks for security—thanks, CVE-2016-3714), but it's all there to keep your site running smooth and safe. And don't forget the solid user authentication and control backed by Devise, allowing you to manage who gets to play in the Refinery sandbox and what they can do. We’ve chatted about features, but what about getting started? Refinery makes it simple to dive right in. Whether you’re hosting on your local machine or throwing it up on Heroku, the instructions are clear and to the point. For Rails 5.1+ users, it's as easy as using version 4.0.x with a given template. Running an older version of Rails? No problem, they’ve got you covered there too with version 3.0.x. Who needs Newsletter? Who needs tons of documentation? Refinery’s got guides, a Google Group discussion forum, Gitter chat, and an active GitHub repository. Plus, a friendly and growing community is always ready to lend a hand. In essence, Refinery CMS is a solid choice if you want to give your clients the ability to manage their site without calling you every five minutes. With a solid foundation in Ruby on Rails, extensibility for complex requirements, and a user-friendly interface, it’s kind of a big deal. So, if you’re in the market for a robust, easy-to-use CMS that won’t make you want to pull your hair out, Refinery CMS is definitely worth a look. Check it out on GitHub and see what all the fuss is about.

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