self-hosted, Netflix-like app made for streaming



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Looking to turn your home into the ultimate binge-watching haven? Meet HomeHost, the self-hosted, Netflix-like app that lets you stream movies, TV shows, and music straight from your personal media collection. It's like having your own private streaming service, minus the monthly subscription fees. Whether you’re a movie buff, TV show enthusiast, or music lover, HomeHost has got you covered. HomeHost allows you to keep your media in order and ready for streaming. Interested in watching a hero flick but can't remember if it's on your hard drive? No worries—HomeHost’s search functionality has your back. You can even browse your collection by genres and get recommendations right from your home server. And let’s not forget the satisfaction of having the exact media you want, when you want it, all within your home network. Setting up HomeHost is as easy as pie. All you need is a working API key from The Movie Database (TMDb) and – if you’re into tunes – Spotify Web API. Stick those keys in your environment file, set your media paths, and run a couple of npm commands. Voila! You've transformed your local stash of movies, TV shows, and albums into an organized library that's easily searchable and ready to stream. For developers who want to dive deeper, HomeHost supports a full suite of server-side and client-side functionalities. Fetch movie stats, discover top-rated TV shows, or even track your least-heard tracks – all with a simple GET request. Plus, HomeHost continuously updates any changes, so you’re always in sync. If you’re about that custom setup life, the project is open-source and licensed under MIT, meaning you’re encouraged to tweak and contribute. With the clean design and efficient Chrome performance, watching that latest thriller or reliving your favorite sitcom is a joy. And it's not just limited to your desktop – mobile versions for iOS and Android are on the horizon. Been meaning to contribute to an awesome open-source project? HomeHost provides detailed guidelines in their Plus, it's all hosted on GitHub, so you can fork away to your heart’s content. All this while ensuring you’re square with copyright laws. HomeHost respects the Fair Use Doctrine, and they’re prompt about addressing any DMCA takedown requests. Talk about doing things by the book! So, if you're ready to take control of your media and ditch those subscription fees, HomeHost is a no-brainer. Tap into your inner techie and set up a powerhouse streaming service right in your home. Ready to get started? Head over to their GitHub and roll out the red carpet for HomeHost. Your personal Netflix awaits.

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