The Roundcube Webmail suite



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If you're diving into the fascinating world of homelabs, Roundcube is your new BFF. Imagine having all the swanky features of a top-tier email client, but it's right on your trusty server, and you have absolute control. Roundcube Webmail is no run-of-the-mill mail client. It's browser-based and multi-lingual, giving users an IMAP experience that's as smooth as butter, even if it's still in its snapshot phase from the GIT repository. Now, don't go all wild and replace your existing setup with this version just yet—but it's definitely one to watch. So, what’s the deal with Roundcube? First off, it’s got that slick, app-like user interface that makes managing your email feel like a breeze. MIME support? Check. Address book? Double-check. Folder management, message searching, spell checking? Triple check. Yes, all the must-haves of an email client are baked right into it. Roundcube goes beyond the basics, though. It’s written primarily in PHP with a dash of Javascript and needs databases like MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite to function. Plus, it comes with a plugin API, meaning you can extend its functionalities to your heart’s content. The user interface is fully customizable with skins, so you can tweak it until it’s just right for you. And it’s not just about the install and go. You get long-term support for various browsers thanks to jQuery 3.x, covering all your bases whether you're riding the Chrome wave, cruising with Firefox, or even rocking it old school with Internet Explorer 11. On the licensing front, Roundcube is all about freedom. It adheres to the GNU General Public License, albeit with a few exceptions for skins and plugins. So, you can tweak and modify it as you wish, distributing your own versions if you fancy. Ready to roll up your sleeves and contribute? Roundcube thrives on the energy of volunteers and developers. Whether you're squashing bugs, adding new features, or enhancing existing ones—there's a place for you in the community. Head over to the Roundcube website to see how you can get involved and make a lasting impact. For any hiccups or heroic feature ideas, you can always reach out via the tracking system on GitHub or sign up for their mailing list. The project admin is just an email away at So, if you're building out your homelab and need a rock-solid webmail solution, Roundcube is definitely worth giving a whirl. It's powerful, flexible, and open-source—just the way we like it.

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