Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust



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Tired of wrestling with clunky book-making tools? Want somethin' that's slick, modern, and built for the 21st century? Well, mosey on over and check out mdBook, a rootin' tootin' open-source project that's fixin' to change the way you wrangle words. This here project, cooked up by the clever folks over at rust-lang, lets you build beautiful online books straight from your Markdown files. Yep, you heard that right - no more fussin' with complicated formats or proprietary software. mdBook is built with Rust, so you know it's fast, efficient, and tough as nails. It's kinda like Gitbook, but with a whole lotta extra somethin' somethin'. And speaking of somethin' somethin', mdBook comes loaded with features, all detailed out in their handy-dandy User Guide (which also doubles as a showcase for how slick your books can look!). This project is a goldmine for anyone lookin' to share their knowledge, document their work, or just spin a good yarn. And since it's open-source, you can tinker with the code to your heart's content. So saddle up, head on over to the mdBook GitHub repo, and start buildin' yourself a book that'll make the Gutenberg press look like child's play.

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