Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)



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When it comes to managing your digital library, Calibre is often the name that pops into your head. But let’s be honest—sometimes Calibre feels like bringing an eighteen-wheeler to a go-kart race. If you’re looking for a leaner, meaner alternative specifically for serving eBooks, you might wanna check out COPS, short for Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server. This gem of a tool was born out of necessity; the developer loved Calibre but found it too bulky for just serving as a content server. So, what did they do? They rolled up their sleeves and created COPS, perfect for smaller setups, like, say, a Seagate Dockstar. You don’t need a beefy machine or a boatload of CPU and RAM—COPS does the job with minimal dependencies and resources. It’s kinda like the Swiss Army knife for your eBook hosting needs. But here's the kicker—COPS allows for search functionality, something that Calibre2OPDS missed out on because it only generated static files. Add in a basic HTML catalog, and you have a solution that’s flexible enough to use on e-readers like Kobo. The best part? It's pretty fun to get up and running if you're into a bit of coding. Before diving headfirst into the world of COPS, there are a few prerequisites you’ll need: 1. A PHP-enabled web server (PHP versions 5.3 to 7.X are compatible, though 5.6 or later is recommended). 2. A Calibre library path with metadata, format, and cover files. 3. PHP modules: GD, Libxml, Intl, Json, and SQLite3. Setting it up is refreshingly straightforward. For a quick start, you can grab the zip from the release page, extract it to your web server's directory, and tweak the config file. Love Docker? There’s a multiarch Docker container you can try. Installation from sources is just as simple; cloning the GitHub repo and running a couple of commands gets you there. Now, where should you stick your Calibre directory? The golden rule: keep it out of COPS's directory for security, particularly if you’re on a VPS or server. If you must keep it within the web directory, some additional Nginx tweaks will be necessary. No code is perfect, and COPS comes with some known quirks. The code quality might not be state-of-the-art (hey, it’s a first-time PHP project), but it’s fully functional. Check the GitHub issues page for any open issues that might pop up. Need some hand-holding? The project’s Wiki and FAQ are your go-to resources. And if you feel like contributing, the door’s wide open. Just remember, COPS is meant to complement Calibre, not replace it, so any PRs altering the database content are a no-go. Behind every open-source project is a community, and COPS is no different. Whether it’s icons from Font Awesome, libraries like JQuery and PHPMailer, or OPDS validation tools, a lot of contributors have helped shape COPS. Plus, the project enjoys support from BrowserStack and Jetbrains, which is kinda cool. So, if you want a slick, lightweight alternative to Calibre for serving your eBooks, give COPS a whirl. It’s got the makings of an awesome addition to your homelab setup.

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