The SimpleLogin back-end and web app



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You know how email spam and identity theft can be such a drag, right? Well, here’s a sweet solution that’s as savvy as it is simple: SimpleLogin. It’s a nifty piece of open-source magic that lets you protect your online identity by creating email aliases. Now, let's break down the goodies. So, SimpleLogin (a cool combo of back-end and web app) kicks things off by letting you self-host your own instance. Yep, no need to rely on third parties—just you and your trusty server. The main idea? Your email address is your online ID, and using the same email all over the web makes you a sitting duck for tracking. Enter SimpleLogin to save the day. Once you have it running on your own turf, you can switch the `API URL` in the SimpleLogin’s Chrome/Firefox extension and the Android/iOS apps to point to your server. It’s like having your own moat and castle for emails. The roadmap and forum links on GitHub are goldmines for keeping tabs on upcoming features or tossing in your own ideas. Got a Linux server at hand? Awesome! The setup instructions laid out are clear as day, but they've specifically catered for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. They've even thought about hardware—just 2GB of RAM should do the trick. Permissions for ports 25, 80, 443, and 22 are a must, so make sure those gates are left ajar. Oh, and don’t forget the domain config. Replacing `` with your own domain name in the setup doc is crucial. If you're not into editing line-by-line, a little find-and-replace magic in your text editor will keep you out of trouble. Here’s the unmissable bit: setting up DKIM. This step helps your emails dodge the dreaded spam box. You’ll have to generate some keys—a 1024-bit setup keeps things simple. Similarly, SPF and DMARC records are a breeze with provided commands and values. Each of these ensure emails from your domain are trustworthy. With DNS done, you’re on to Docker, Postgres, and the main attraction—the SimpleLogin Docker containers. Follow the doc, tweak those environment variables, and you’re golden. A custom Docker network makes sure everything talks nicely within the boundary you set up. Postfix gets snugly configured next, bridging emails through your newly configured network. Replace your domain into the provided config files, restart the engine, and boom, you're in business. Then there’s Nginx, the web server champion. Setting it up involves a few proxy headers and SSL tweaks. Once done, you’re ready to visit your new shiny domain, sign up, and start making email aliases like a boss. Keep in mind; you’ll want to make that SimpleLogin account premium. Think of it as shifting into the fast lane for unlimited aliases. Tinkering directly in the database lets you flip that switch. Finally, don’t miss the cherry on top—disabling new user registrations once you’re all set up, making sure nobody but you gets in. Oh, and donations are welcome if you appreciate the work that’s gone into making SimpleLogin awesome. So, there you have it—a robust, self-hosted solution to keep your emails and online identity locked down tight. SimpleLogin is your go-to tool if you’re tired of being an easy target online.

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