Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler



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When someone says "Harp," they might think of a musical instrument. But let's make it clear, this Harp won't play you a melody, it will serenade your web development workflow. Harp, standing proudly as a Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler, is like the Swiss Army knife of static site setups. For those who love a no-fuss setup, Harp is your new best friend. Imagine this: no configurations and instant gratification. Harp allows developers to use tools like Jade, Markdown, EJS, Less, Stylus, Sass, and CoffeeScript, transforming them magically into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the fly. It's got that slick "layout/partial" paradigm down pat, and even flexes some serious muscle with metadata and global objects. This means you can traverse your file system and inject custom data without breaking a sweat. For what it's worth, Harp gives you the freedom to compile your project into static assets, ready for deployment behind any HTTP server. So, it's not just a server, it's like having a whole toolkit at your disposal for getting your static site into production faster than a New York minute. Why pick Harp? Simple—it's easy, zippy, and super lightweight. You don’t need to wrestle with build steps or endless configurations. Harp’s charm lies in its straightforwardness. Load it up, and you'll get clean URLs, intelligent path redirects, and built-in pre-processing. And for all those production purists, Harp’s built-in LRU caching will keep operations smooth like a well-oiled machine. For installation, all it takes is a quick `sudo npm install -g harp`. Want to get started? Create a `./public` directory and run `harp ./public`. You'll have a server running at `http://localhost:9000`. Pop in your EJS, Jade, MD, Sass, or SCSS files and watch them get processed automatically. Ready to roll out? Compile your project with `harp ./public ./build`, and your assets are primed for static hosting on platforms like Harp's magic doesn’t end there. As a CLI utility, it’s capable of serving projects locally or compiling them for static hosts. The nifty options let you set ports, hosts, control logs, and even emit help messages or version outputs. All your favorite preprocessing needs are covered—everything from `.ejs` to `.scss`. Add in Harp’s ability to handle dynamic data builds and directory data, and you've got an easy-to-use powerhouse in your development arsenal. For the Node.js aficionados, Harp can seamlessly integrate as a library, giving you the ability to serve your application or compile it programmatically. Harp can also slide right into an ExpressJS setup, making it versatile for various use cases. Authored and maintained by @sintaxi, Harp is more than just code; it's developer joy in a box. For those looking to dive deeper, there's extensive documentation available at, with the source code hosted on GitHub. In the end, Harp isn't just a tool—it's your co-pilot in the journey to dead-simple, efficiently-built static sites. If you’re looking for speed, simplicity, and a dash of fun, then Harp's where the magic happens. So, next time you think of static web servers, let Harp play you the sweet song of effortless development.

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