HOMER - 100% Open-Source SIP, VoIP, RTC Packet Capture & Monitoring



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If you're deep into the homelab scene or just getting your feet wet with VoIP and WebRTC solutions, listen up! Homer, the big kahuna in the open-source realm, is what your setup has been waiting for. It’s not just any packet capture and monitoring tool—it’s THE tool, fully open-source, and capable of real-time capturing, troubleshooting, and monitoring. HOMER 10, the latest and greatest, is tailor-made for geeks and pros alike looking to master VoIP and RTC. With crazy scalability, this carrier-grade beast can handle bucket loads of signaling, RTC events, logs, and stats. Whether you're running a voice network for a massive enterprise, a VoIP service, or just a curious enthusiast, Homer’s got your back. Here’s the low-down on what makes Homer pop: - **Universal HEP Encapsulation**: Available practically everywhere. - **Versatile Capture Servers & Agents**: Works on any OS/Platform. - **Supports Advanced Protocols**: Handles SIP, RTP/RTCP reports, RTC events, and custom protocols like a charm. - **No SQL Databases Needed**: Runs on stock Observability APIs such as Qryn. - **Beyond Packets and PCAP**: Ingest and process logs, metrics, and traces effortlessly. - **Dynamic Data Mapping and Correlation**: Perfect for juggling data from multiple sources. - **Rock-Solid Community Support**: Maintained by dedicated folks, backed by a passionate community. One of the coolest things about HOMER 10 is that it’s built with modern observability standards in mind. It smoothly marries the robustness of its predecessors with today's cutting-edge practices, ensuring backward compatibility without compromising on new-age features. It’s like having the best of both worlds on your side. Ready to dive in and install? Homer’s got you covered. Head over to their Wiki and choose your preferred installation method. Easy-peasy. Need some hand-holding? Join the community for support, updates, and engaging discussions through their Matrix channel and mailing list. If you’re thinking about adding some custom touches or need professional support, the good folks at QXIP are just an email away. Want to share the Homer love? Star the project on GitHub, tweet about it, or pen down a blog post on Dev.to or Medium. Contributors and devs are always welcome, and there’s a comfy spot in the community just for you. So, if your homelab is crying out for a serious monitoring upgrade, HOMER 10 is your ticket to futuristic VoIP and WebRTC wizardry. Swing by their GitHub page and join the revolution. You won’t regret it.

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