A simple shared budget manager web application



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Looking for a way to take the drama out of splitting bills with friends and roommates? Buckle up because IHateMoney is about to become your new best friend. This simple, shared budget manager web application swoops in to save the day by keeping tabs on who bought what, when, and for whom — all while helping to get those pesky bills settled without a hitch. IHateMoney might seem like it’s just another budget app, but hold your horses. This bad boy comes with some truly neat features that make it stand out: First off, the whole shebang is open-source, so not only do you get to peek under the hood, but you’re also welcome to jump in and tweak it to fit your whims. The codebase is as clean as a whistle and with minimal dependencies, it's designed to be easy for anyone to manage. Plus, it’s coded in Python, supporting versions from 3.7 to the latest 3.12. Need a database? Take your pick! IHateMoney effortlessly supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and even in-memory options. Quite the selection, huh? The application itself is super lightweight. We're talking minimal JavaScript, a straightforward interface, and a seamless experience whether you’re on a desktop or on the go with your mobile. You don’t even need to create separate accounts for people you invite to share the budget with. Just dive in and start managing those shared expenses with zero fuss. Since its inception in 2011, IHateMoney has matured like a fine wine. The project's contributors have shifted gears to prioritize simplicity and stability over adding a barrage of new features. They figure, why complicate what already works so elegantly? It’s all about maintaining a minimal set of features that do the job perfectly, making it less of a headache for everyone to maintain and use. But wait, there's more. The team behind IHateMoney is always eager to improve user experience and interface. So, if you’ve got some UI/UX chops, your contributions would be more than welcome! And hey, if you want to support this nifty project, there’s even an option to donate. All funds go towards maintaining the hosted version of the application. So, if you’re sick of the headache that comes with managing shared expenses, or if you just hate money (the hassle of it, at least), head over to the IHateMoney GitHub page and give it a whirl. It’s easy, it’s clean, and it’s mighty effective. Fixing your budget woes has never been so breezy.

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