A self-hosted file sharing platform that combines lightness and beauty, perfect for seamless and efficient file sharing.



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Yo, check it out! Pingvin Share is the new hotness in the self-hosted file sharing game. This slick little platform is bringing some serious style and simplicity to the table, making file sharing a breeze for all you tech-savvy folks out there. Pingvin Share is like the cool cousin of WeTransfer, but with a twist - you get to host it yourself. It's perfect for those who want to keep their data close and their files closer. This bad boy is built with TypeScript and rocks some serious features that'll make your file-sharing life a whole lot easier. Let's break it down, shall we? Pingvin Share comes packed with some sweet capabilities: 1. Share files using a link? Check. 2. Unlimited file size? You betcha (just make sure you've got the disk space to back it up). 3. Expiration dates for shares? Yep, because sometimes you don't want your files living rent-free on someone else's device forever. 4. Security features like visitor limits and passwords? Oh yeah, keeping your files on lockdown. 5. Email recipients? Sure thing, spread the file love directly to inboxes. 6. Integration with ClamAV for security scans? You know it, because safety first, folks! Now, setting up Pingvin Share is easier than falling off a log. If you're into Docker (and who isn't these days?), you can have this bad boy up and running in no time. Just grab that docker-compose.yml file, run a quick command, and boom - you're in business. For you standalone installation fans out there, no worries. As long as you've got Node.js, Git, and pm2 in your toolkit, you're good to go. Just follow the step-by-step guide, and you'll be sharing files like a pro in no time. But wait, there's more! Pingvin Share is all about that community love. They've got translations available in multiple languages, and they're always looking for more help on that front. So if you're multilingual and feeling generous, why not lend a hand? And let's not forget about customization. You can tweak this puppy to your heart's content, changing domains and whatnot through the admin dashboard. Plus, there are plenty of environment variables to play with if you really want to get under the hood. So there you have it, folks. Pingvin Share - the self-hosted file sharing platform that's light, beautiful, and ready to revolutionize the way you share files. Whether you're a home lab enthusiast or just someone who likes to keep their data close, Pingvin Share's got your back. Give it a spin and see what all the fuss is about!

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