Self hosted streaming media server.



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Are you a DIY media enthusiast tired of having your favorite shows and movies spread across various devices and hard drives? Say hello to Streama, your very own personal Netflix! Streama is a self-hosted streaming media server that lets you organize, watch, and share your media collection with ease. All you need is a web browser, and you're good to go. Streama's got your back if you've ever faced the hassle of digitalizing your movie library without a clue on how to manage those countless files. Think of it as the ultimate media management app that's just as slick and user-friendly as Netflix, but with a personal twist. Fire up Streama and head straight to the settings to configure your upload directory for all those precious video files, verify your API key, and set up a base URL for remote access if you're into that. The app ensures everything checks out before you hit the save button, so no funky errors catch you off guard. The dashboard is where the magic happens. Here, users can get a glimpse of their recently watched shows and movies, see how far they've gone, and pick up right where they left off. Feel like binge-watching a new series? The “Continue Watching” feature’s got you covered, updating your progress in real-time. When it's time to press play, the Streama-Player comes in clutch with a Netflix-inspired interface that's as familiar as your favorite playlist. You get all the essentials—volume control, play/pause, and fullscreen. Plus, there's a nifty “next episode” button and an easy-to-navigate episode browser. You can even look forward to adding subtitles and switching between video file qualities later on. But what's a media server without content management, right? Streama's Admin-Panel makes it a breeze to handle shows, movies, and episodes. Thanks to, you get auto-filled information and images, making the task as smooth as butter. Want to batch-upload episodes? Drag-and-drop functionality has your back. Streama doesn't leave you hanging with just uploads. Its “Local File” feature is a boss move, letting you define a local directory for symlinks to all your drives. Access your media either individually via the local file browser or en masse with the bulk-create feature. Whether you’re looking to tinker with regex matchers or customize the user experience, Streama’s got a ton of options to tweak it just to your liking. And speaking of users, the admin panel allows you to invite and manage users, setting them up as admins or regular viewers. The potential for playlist management and other features is endless, and community contributions are always welcome. Built on a reliable tech stack of Grails 3, SpringSecurity, and AngularJS, Streama serves as a robust, HTML5-based application perfect for home media servers. Plus, with the project's roadmap and issue tracking, you can keep an eye on upcoming features and contribute to making Streama even better. So, if you find yourself dreaming of a streamlined way to enjoy your media collection, look no further than Streama. Dive into the demo, get up and running with the simple setup guide, and join the community that's making home media management easier and more fun!

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