WebRTC audio/video call and conferencing server.



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If you're on the lookout for a solid, open-source solution to handle audio and video calls, or you need a robust conferencing server, Spreed WebRTC has got you covered. This GitHub gem, bestowed with modern WebRTC technology, is your passport to seamless online communication. It’s not just a server; it’s got its own nifty web client too. Let’s dig into what makes this project stand out. First up, Spreed WebRTC is pretty much a techie's dream when it comes to setting up. All you need to get started is Go (1.4.0 or higher), NodeJS (0.6.0 or higher), and a couple of build tools like autoconf and automake. Once you have these prerequisites, you're just a few commands away from having your own audio and video call server. The magic starts with a simple `./configure` and `make`. This powerhouse doesn’t rely on any external runtime dependencies, making it quite the self-contained champ. Got the source from GitHub? Just run `autogen.sh` to get things rolling. If your dependencies are playing hide and seek, no worries—just point the configure script in the right direction. For all you command-line lovers, Spreed WebRTC offers a variety of make targets. Starting the server? Easy-peasy: `spreed-webrtc-server [OPTIONS]`. Whether you need to specify a config file, write a CPU or memory profile, or just direct your logs to a particular file, Spreed’s got handy options for all of that. During the server's runtime, just hit the server URL with your web browser, and you're live with the web client. If you're diving into development, things get a bit more interesting. Advanced requirements such as NodeJS (0.10.0 or higher), Compass, Sass, and Babel come into play. While the source tree already contains built styles and translations, any custom changes would need these dev dependencies. Additional Node.js modules, mentioned in the `package.json` file, make the development cycle smooth. And, oh boy, if you’re a Docker fan, Spreed plays nicely here too. Official Docker images are available, making deployment a breeze. Don’t feel like pulling the official images? No problemo—you can build from the Dockerfiles available in the repository. Setup for screen sharing? Child’s play. Chrome is ready out-of-the-box, while Firefox users need to tweak a setting or two in `about:config`. The beauty of Spreed WebRTC is in its details. Built under the AGPL license, it’s not just open-source; it's collaborative. Contributions? They welcome them with open arms. Fork the develop branch, spin up a feature branch, and show your coding prowess. So why not give Spreed WebRTC a whirl? It’s not just a tool; it’s a trusty sidekick for secure, private online communication. Go ahead, check it out on GitHub, and start connecting in ways you didn’t know were possible.

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