A cloud-native Pipeline resource.



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Hey there, folks! Let's dive into the world of Tekton Pipelines, the cool cat of cloud-native CI/CD. This bad boy is turning heads in the tech scene, and for good reason. Tekton Pipelines is the brainchild of some smart cookies who wanted to shake up the way we do continuous integration and delivery. It's like they took a look at the old-school pipeline systems and said, "Nah, we can do better." And boy, did they deliver! First off, Tekton is as cloud-native as they come. It's like it was born and raised in the cloud, speaking Kubernetes as its first language. It runs on K8s like a fish in water, treats Kubernetes clusters like VIPs, and builds everything with containers. It's the real deal when it comes to cloud-native tech. But here's where it gets really interesting - Tekton Pipelines are decoupled like nobody's business. You can use one pipeline to deploy to any Kubernetes cluster out there. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for deployments. And get this - the tasks that make up a pipeline? You can run them solo if you want. It's all about flexibility, baby! Now, let's talk about resources. With Tekton, swapping out git repos between runs is easier than changing your socks. And when it comes to typed resources, Tekton's got game. Want to build with kaniko today and buildkit tomorrow? No sweat! The folks behind Tekton aren't messing around when it comes to compatibility either. They're keeping up with the Kubernetes Joneses, always making sure Tekton plays nice with the latest K8s versions. As of their latest release, you'll need Kubernetes 1.28 or later to join the party. For all you eager beavers out there looking to get your hands dirty, Tekton's got you covered. They've got installation guides, tutorials, and enough examples to keep you busy for days. And if you're worried about stability, don't sweat it - they've got an API compatibility policy that'll put your mind at ease. Now, I know what some of you old-timers might be thinking - "What about my v1alpha1 or v1beta1 stuff?" Don't worry, Tekton's got your back with migration guides to help you level up to the latest and greatest. So, whether you're a pipeline pro or a CI/CD newbie, Tekton Pipelines is worth checking out. It's cloud-native, flexible, and powerful - everything you need to take your development game to the next level. Give it a whirl and see what all the fuss is about!

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