A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood.



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Alright, let’s dive into the sheer awesomeness that is "innernet." Imagine setting up your very own private network that’s as slick and secure as your favorite apps. That's exactly what innernet aims to offer, meshing the robustness of WireGuard with a custom twist on traditional CIDR networking. Think of it as your personal Tailscale or Slack’s nebula—but with its own unique flair. So, what makes innernet tick? First off, innernet comes equipped with some pretty rad features. At its core, it’s all about creating a cohesive and secure network environment. It kicks off with a coordination server that helps manage peers and ensures smooth connectivity across your network. You simply initiate this server with a quick command, and voila! The network wizard steps in to guide you through the setup, making the whole process as user-friendly as it gets. But innernet doesn’t stop there—it gets granular with access control that's based on CIDRs. This means you can create specific zones within your network. For instance, you can segment your network into different groups like "humans" (for regular users) and "ci-servers" (for your continuous integration machines). Each CIDR operates independently by default, but you can easily associate them, allowing cross-communication when needed. Adding peers is a breeze, too. Using the innernet CLI, you generate an invitation file that kicks off a secure and seamless onboarding process. And once peers are on the network, managing them is just as hassle-free. Need to disable a peer? A quick command does the trick. Want to set up manual endpoints or tweak the WireGuard listen ports? Innernet's got you covered with easy commands for those tweaks as well. Security is a big deal for innernet. From enabling strict Reverse Path Filtering to leveraging WireGuard interfaces for tighter packet control, innernet goes the extra mile. It even recommends being cautious about relying solely on IP addresses for authentication, suggesting additional layers to keep rogue apps in check. These small touches make a world of difference in creating a bulletproof network. Now, let’s get to the down-and-dirty on setting this bad boy up. Innernet runs like a charm on Linux and macOS. For Linux users, there's support across various distributions, from Arch to Debian and Ubuntu. MacOS folks can enjoy a straightforward installation via Homebrew. For the hardcore, there’s always the option to roll up your sleeves and build from source using Cargo. Development-friendly, innernet is built on Rust, requiring a setup with `rustc`, `cargo`, and `libclang` among other dependencies. And for those who like to get their hands dirty with Docker, innernet offers testing capabilities that allow you to simulate environments to your heart’s content. To sum it up, innernet is here to elevate your homelab game. It’s experimental, sure, but its potential is immense. From its robust server-peer architecture to its granular CIDR-based access controls and top-notch security recommendations, innernet is all set to be your new go-to for secure, private networking. So, why not give it a whirl and see just how awesome setting up your own WireGuard-powered network can be? Don't miss out—hit up the innernet GitHub page and start reaping the benefits of this innovative network system today!

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