open source pastebin written in node.js



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Looking for an open-source pastebin that's dead simple to set up and use? Say hello to Hastebin, the nifty little gem in the world of open-source software. Written in Node.js, Hastebin lets you instantly share snippets of text or code with a single command. Seriously, if you can run a cat command, you can use Hastebin. Imagine you're working on some code, and you need to share it with your buddy across the globe. Just type something like `cat myfile.txt | haste` in your terminal, and bam! You’ll get a URL in seconds that you can send off. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Hastebin doesn't just stop at ease of use. It's backed by robust storage options like Redis, filesystem, and even Postgres (for those who like to keep things fancy). Configuring it is a walk in the park. Just adjust a few settings in the `config.js` file. Whether you want phonetic keys or random ones, Hastebin has got you covered. One of Hastebin’s charming features is its adaptability. It’s tested to work smoothly on various browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Trust us, folks, it looks pretty darn good on all of them. Love Docker? Hastebin’s got Docker setups ready for you. Build your image, run your container, and you’re ready to go. There’s even a `docker-compose.yml` example for a combo with Memcached. Flexibility? Check. And let's not forget about rate limiting. Built right in, you can control traffic like a boss using `connect-ratelimit`. Check your `config.js` for all the sweet settings you can tweak. As for storage, Hastebin supports just about everything but your kitchen sink. From Google Datastore to Amazon S3, you name it, Hastebin probably supports it. Setting it up is straightforward, with mostly logical default values to make sure you don’t lose your mind. With the new version of Hastebin on the horizon, now is the perfect time to dive into this project. Whether you're a casual user or a sysadmin wanting to offer a slick pastebin service on your network, Hastebin is your go-to tool. So why wait? Head over to GitHub, clone the repo, and bring some Haste into your life!

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