Free API for outgoing SMS



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In the world of open-source magic and digital sleight-of-hand, TextBelt stands out as a downright nifty piece of kit for anyone looking to dip their toes into the SMS game without shelling out cash. Brought to you by the clever folks over at GitHub, this project is all about sending outgoing texts, for free, just like your favorite neighborhood superhero. So, what's the scoop here? TextBelt is an open-source REST API that sends outgoing SMS messages using carrier-specific gateways. What does that mean for you? Well, if you set it up on your private server, you're looking at a pretty reliable (and completely gratis) way to shoot off texts minus the annoying ads. They’ve clocked in over a million texts already, which is a flex for sure. Getting up and running with TextBelt is a cinch. To send a text, you just sling a simple POST request their way. Here’s a little peek at how it hangs together: ``` $ curl -X POST http://your_textbelt_server/text \ -d number=5551234567 \ -d "message=I sent this message for free with Textbelt" ``` Boom—done. Just need the phone number and the message you wanna send. For those who wanna go pro, there’s also a paid version at with more bells and whistles, but let's stick to the freebie here. What makes TextBelt shine, especially for the homelab tinkerers and tech wizards, is its flexibility. You can run it as its own standalone server or plug it into your existing project as a module. Plus, they've included support for sending emails via Nodemailer—just set up your SMTP settings and you're golden. Configurability is king here. You can tweak settings in `lib/config.js`, specify whether you’re sending texts in the US, Canada, or internationally, and even choose your preferred SMS carrier. And if you’re hitting roadblocks, there's a boatload of client libraries across different languages—Ruby, Go, Python, Node.js—the list goes on. Running TextBelt as a standalone is as straightforward as can be. Just fire up the server with `node server/app.js` after an `npm install` to grab dependencies and ensure Redis is up and running, and you’re off to the races, defaulting on port 9090. Look, TextBelt isn’t without its quirks. Some carriers can be finicky, and while a "success" response indicates the text was passed along to the carrier, there's no hard guarantee it’ll land in the recipient's lap. But considering the roster of supported carriers—from AT&T to Verizon, and even international options—it's a solid suite for the cost (which, lest we forget, is zero). For anyone wanting to hack together some free SMS capabilities for fun or utility, or just wanna iron out their DevOps cred, TextBelt’s got you covered. GitHub’s repo is your playground, ripe for experimentation and implementation. Hit it up, flex those coding muscles, and join the ranks of over a million messages sent with TextBelt.

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