Fathom Lite. Simple, privacy-focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact.



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Hold onto your hats, folks! We've got a real gem in the world of website analytics to talk about today. Say hello to Fathom Lite - the scrappy little brother of the big-time Fathom Analytics. This open-source bad boy has been downloaded millions of times, and for good reason. Fathom Lite is the OG version of Fathom Analytics, a privacy-focused alternative to the big G's analytics platform. While it may not have all the bells and whistles of its paid sibling, it's still packing some serious heat when it comes to tracking your website's performance. Built with Golang and Preact, Fathom Lite is all about keeping things simple and respecting your visitors' privacy. No cookies here, folks! Just good old-fashioned analytics that won't make you feel like you need a shower after using them. Now, let's break down what makes Fathom Lite tick: 1. Privacy-focused: Unlike some other analytics tools that shall remain nameless (cough, Google, cough), Fathom Lite doesn't use cookies. It's all about keeping your visitors' data on the down-low. 2. Simple and straightforward: The dashboard is clean and easy to understand. No PhD in data science required to figure out what's going on with your website traffic. 3. Open-source goodness: Being open-source means you can tinker with it to your heart's content. Got an idea for a cool new feature? Roll up your sleeves and make it happen! 4. Lightweight: Fathom Lite won't slow down your site like some bloated analytics scripts out there. 5. Self-hosted: You're in control of your data. Host it on your own server and sleep easy knowing your analytics aren't being passed around like a hot potato. While Fathom Lite might not have all the fancy features of its paid counterpart (like EU isolation, ad-blocker bypassing, or email reports), it's still a solid choice for those who want a simple, privacy-respecting analytics solution. Setting up Fathom Lite is a breeze, whether you're running it in production or just tinkering in development. And for you Docker fans out there, they've got you covered with pre-built images ready to roll. So, if you're tired of feeling like you're selling your soul every time you check your website stats, give Fathom Lite a whirl. It's the analytics tool for the people, by the people - and it might just change the way you think about tracking your site's performance. Remember, in the world of website analytics, sometimes less is more. And Fathom Lite is proving that you don't need to compromise on privacy to get the insights you need. Now that's what I call a win-win!

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